Neutral Gamer

CRank: 13Score: 38790

I think the problem is that we haven't seen any fully finished games released for it on the 360 and we won't do until Microsoft release the Professional version later on which will allow developers to actually sell their games and make use of Xbox Live.

When it's released we should hopefully start seeing a good increase of new games being released and then we'll know whether the idea was a success or not. If it does well then it'd be great if Sony and Nintendo come up with some...

6250d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's a good idea Rybnik mate, but unfortunately some stories already take long enough to get approved (i.e. anything that's not PS3 vs 360 or Blu-ray vs HD DVD !) when just 5 approvals are needed.

There a lot of stories out there that, although interesting and well written, just don't grab people's attention in the same way the more controversial ones do and hence they end up languishing around until NewsBot or Dusty comes along and saves the day.

Now that Dust...

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah Bathyj, arcade remakes and original concepts would be great on PSN created by bedroom programmers. The thing about XNA is that you're working with a layer around the underlying Xbox API.

That way you can't access sensitive parts of the system or other programs' data. Yet, of course we still get hardware graphics acceleration through this interface.

If Sony could do something similar, writing a safe layer around their fundamental codebase, then I could show ...

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah Deep, I had a feeling the podcast may cater to that idea already, but I know that I personally (and I'm sure other people) can't be bothered to listen to podcasts all of the time. Sometimes I just wanna quickly flick through, and it's easier to speed read text than speed listen to audio!

6251d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wish people would put more thought into posting comments. I remember last year at N4G where people were still posting "First" comments on a regular basis (remember those days!) despite a lot of people finding them annoying and pointless.

But people accepted that it wasn't that cool in the end and now I don't see anyone doing it. Hopefully people could stop and think in the same fashion before posting such literary works as, "Xbots, you just got ow4ned" and...

6251d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've noticed that recently we've had a lot of articles which simply sum up what's happened during the week, i.e. a recap. Most of the time these articles get reported for being old/duplicate.

But I can understand how they would be useful to people who haven't been able to check N4G on a daily basis. Maybe the N4G staff could create a page themselves which provides a weekly recap and maybe commentary, where they take all the interesting news and provide links to the articles. ...

6251d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I can understand what you're saying mate, and no personal offence was intended in the comments. :)

Maybe the N4G staff could create a page themselves which provides a weekly recap and maybe commentary, where they take all the interesting news and provide links to the articles.

They could split the words up into paragraphs, each of which would centre on one particular story/event where the relevant articles are mentioned.

Hell, I like that idea so ...

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

CRank of 20, wow! I better stop commenting, approving and reporting and concentrate wholly on submitting. I don't think it'll happen anytime soon for me though, some of us have work to do and I just don't have the spare time!

Still good luck to those who go for it :)

I reckon within a few weeks we should see our first new editor (Deep, go for it my friend!) and hopefully it'll make a big difference in getting stories approved/fixed quicker.

6251d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Was just looking at the people who approved this story and low and behold, NewsBot, i.e. the staff, was/were the last one to approve this!

It doesn't matter what any of us have said in our comments, if NewsBot themselves are approving these types of stories, then what can we do my friends, what can we do ... ?

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've noticed that a lot of stories get approved while the temperature remains at zero or gets approved within seconds of the story being submitted. There must be a large number of cases where people aren't reading the source, hence the reason there's a lack of Source URL, Credit URL and Duplicate story reports for example, compared to a couple of months ago.

Too many people seem to catch the title, speed read through the description and immediately approve the story. People nee...

6251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All we seem to be getting now are essentially the same stories told in different ways, maybe the title's slightly different, maybe it summarises previous stories, maybe it adds or changes some words.

But that doesn't stop it being the same thing; I thought that's what Alternative Sources were for?

Aaargh Deep! I'm starting to go mad! How long before we start seeing 60, no wait, 100 different reviews submitted for one game every time a new game is released? :p

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been using XNA at the moment on my 360 (think it's great) and I'd love to be able to unleash the raw power of the RSX on my PS3 as well.

It doesn't just have to be for games, being able to create a media streamer for example, with super cool 3D visualisations would be sweet.

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with Kyur4ThePain (Comment #6) and Firewire above, Prohibit submitted this story 3 days ago at the following address:

The only real difference between this story and Prohibit's is that this one has the words "Xbox 720" in the title and article. This article from T3 even references the same source as the original as Fx35 (Comment #7) ha...

6251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mate, the BBC have always been pretty modern, hell they even had their own computer back in the day - the BBC Micro anyone?

They've been pushing the whole Digital TV and Digital Radio thing for ages now and their website's one of the most visited in the world. I'll be looking forward to what they come up with, they've got a lot of programmes to choose from ...

6252d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who would have thought after all these years with advanced motion sensing controllers and the like, that the humble keyboard could be used all by itself to play a modern game!

The concept for the original game was so unexpected and weird that it was almost genius; it's not often developers come up with unique game ideas like this.

Crucially, this was one of those games that anybody could play, it didn't require the learning of complex controls, I remember my sist...

6252d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha, I can go one better than that mate. I'm 25 and I'm still interested in Crash. I still remember playing it for the first time all those years ago.

I like the way that it has an "on the rail" approach where you can't move the camera. It means, that like God of War, you can just sit back and enjoy playing the game without camera issues.

It was still good fun when I was younger and I'm sure it'll still be good fun now. Sshh! Just don't tell anyone thoug...

6255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This could actually be pretty good news for Microsoft, as we all know their primary experience is in the software sector, which can be seen by looking at out how big the original Xbox was and how they couldn't get manufacturing costs down enough to make a profit on units sold.

Hopefully tapping into more technical know how from hardware companies such as Samsung will mean they can make improvements such as lowering the noise the fan makes on the 360 and getting rid of the exter...

6255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If that's the comment that you prefer then you're obviously an unbiased, logical gamer rather than a fanboy who "loves" systems rather than games, and I salute thee! :p

6259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yet again a magazine has said that the PS3 is more important as a home entertainment system rather than a gaming system!

You PS3 fanboys can praise the system all that you want, us 360 owners have got the games, remember them? The main point of having a GAMING console!

Gears, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, Halo 3, Mass Effect, hell there's so many exclusive and multi-platform games out and coming out soon, I can't help but smile just thinking about them.

6259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can understand what you're both saying and you "both" make valid points. I see it as this though, if you've got a High Definition TV then the PS3 is extremely good value for money.

As then you get the full benefit of having a Blu-Ray drive and from the reviews I've read it holds its own against stand alone players.

All the other extra features on the PS3 are great as well. But at the end of the day they are "bonus" features, it's the games t...

6259d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment